Workplace harassment may take many forms and is not limited to major organisations. Workers in all sorts of Australian firms have experienced harassment in the workplace. To prevent unpleasant work conditions in your company, it’s essential to know that workplace harassment varies from bullying to blatant discrimination. So, as an owner of the company, you should be able to take the necessary actions to ensure a safe working environment for all workers.
Furthermore, if you’re the target of workplace harassment, you may seek legal counsel from employment or workplace lawyers. They define what companies demand from workers, what employers could ask employees to perform, and the fair working conditions of employees.
What Exactly Is Workplace Harassment?
There may or may not be physical proof of workplace harassment. It’s helpful to grasp what’s happening with you while discussing it. Harassment may take place in several settings, such as the ones listed below:
- The harasser might be the victim’s supervisor, a director from another field, a spokesperson of the business, a colleague, or a non-employee.
- Anybody impacted by the unacceptable behaviour might be the victim; the victim doesn’t have to be tormented.
- Harassment could happen without inflicting monetary damage or terminating the victim’s work.
What Are the Various Forms of Workplace Harassment?
Here are some instances of workplace harassment:
- Sexual Harassment
- Physical Harassment
- Digital Harassment
- Psychological Harassment
- Verbal Harassment
How Do I Address Harassment At Work?
Reporting workplace harassment is crucial because other victims may have reported similar breaches by the same offender, and the employer may be seeking more proof before making decisions. Several firms have defined reporting systems in place, while others may not. In these nonviolent circumstances, do the following actions:
- Attempt to address the matter with the harasser peacefully. Request that they refrain from aiming this behaviour toward you, mainly privately. However, if the abuse is bodily, don’t approach the harasser.
- If your boss is the offender, try reporting the matter to your direct supervisor. If your efforts to address the issue with the harasser are unsuccessful, notify HR. If feasible, submit the proof in messages, texts, screenshots, and eyewitness testimony.
- If you think your supervisors, human resources, or corporate management failed to manage your case correctly, consult an employment lawyer Perth, who may undertake an impartial inquiry. There are some things you must refrain from doing while engaging in workplace harassment. Most importantly, resist the urge to fight back since this may aggravate the situation.
What Are the Different Laws Regarding Workplace Harassment?
Although good policy starts with company owners’ actions, state and federal laws protect employees against harassment. The following statutes provide long-term casual employment rights:
- The Sex Discrimination Act of 1984 prohibits employers, colleagues, and other workplace participants from abusing each other in the workplace. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual behaviour that a rational person could anticipate to insult, shame, or threaten the assaulted person.
- Workplace harassment depending on or connected to a person’s or an associate’s handicap is prohibited under the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992.
- The Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits undesirable behaviour motivated by racial hate. Racial hate is defined as behaviour in public that displeases, insults, or embarrasses someone due to their race, colour, or nationality.
Employers or supervisors should react quickly and efficiently to all incidents of abuse, no matter how large or small the event is or who is concerned. A toxic working environment might develop if issues are not remedied, leading managers to more charges.
Explain To Your Employees How To File A Harassment Complaint At The Workplace
If there is harassment in your workplace, you may be held accountable for your workers’ harassment since you are responsible for their safety and health. It is critical to report workplace bullying. That much is obvious: it is illegal behaviour. Moreover, reporting workplace harassment is a right for your staff members and may assist promote an open and equitable environment across your organisation.
In addition, workers resigning because they do not understand what to do when someone else’s decisions impact them is the last thing you must have in your organisation. As a result, ensure that you have a clear zero-tolerance policy for harassment and guidelines on what a worker must do if they feel violated. State clearly that employees may file a complaint. You might also seek the counsel of an employment lawyer Perth to battle harassment claims at your workplace.
Although these are the most visible instances of discrimination legislation, a secure work environment results from well-planned and regularly implemented individual workplace regulations. Whether you own or work for a small company, do your best to promote and establish a good policy protecting your workers and coworkers. Ensure that you have a workplace lawyer who will oversee the interaction between your workers and the rest of your organisation. Furthermore, the employment lawyer Perth is experienced and knowledgeable in situations of workplace harassment.