Today with the internet marketing era fast catching up only having a website does not suffice the need. You may have made all the efforts to generate a decent amount f traffic on to your website. But what is the conversion ratio that is how many people do actually become potential buyers from just onlookers? This is an important aspect that needs to be considered so as to generate good returns on your investment. Now what could be the best way to create leads for the traffic that comes on to the website? The answer is Landing pages which form the heart and soul of your lead generation efforts. These allow you to capture vital visitor information through a lead capture form. There are many tools available to build good landing pages like click funnels, leadpages and instapage etc. But over the years the debate of clickfunnels vs leadpages has been very strong.
What are Clickfunnels and Leadpages?
Clickfunnels is a simple click based software that allows you to create a series of webpages for the purpose of lead generation.It is an effective marketing technique as it does not let the visitor get distracted and pushes them to make the purchase or share their contact info.The later is also a simple landing page building tool with easy drag and drop options. With these one can churn out quality landing pages with a good conversion rate in very less time. Both the processes are very user friendly and does not require the knowledge of coding. Clickfunnels and leadpages might appear similar in nature but the debate of clickfunnels vs leadpages has a lot of depth to it.
Difference between Clickfunnels and Leadpages
Clickfunnels are expensive in comparison to the leadpages as they have more on offer interns of functionality. The former allows you to build a complete sales funnel wherein you can get buyers to turn into paying customers. While the later facilitates you in gathering leads for the business. Unlike leadpages with clickfunnels you have both the option for upsells and downsells. Both clickfunnels and leadpages come with pre designed templates ready to be used but a lot of users have found the former to be more effective in terms of design. Also in terms of editing the template and customisation clickfunnels have more to offer then leadpages. Clickfunnels offer advanced sales funnel analytics whereas leadpages offer basic page and conversion analytics. This is because the leadpages have a very limited customisation options. In comparison to leadpages a click funnel includes an autoresponder and an affiliate management tool. Support is an important feature that you require while working with internet marketing software. With clickfunnels the support varies according to the price of the package opted. But whereas with leadpages the customers receive a little more support in comparison.
There is a clear overlap of functions between the two but one must consider the fact that they are not intended to work for the same purpose. Leadpages is considered to be a landing page builder whereas clickfunnels are more than just landing page builder. Choose wisely as per your business requirements and needs.