Creating advertising signs is not an easy task, requiring the creator’s ability to express the overall concept in simple and understandable ways. Qualitatively made design interests the client, intrigues, forces to pause and peer into the advertising structure. The environment in which outdoor advertising is located and operates is fundamentally different from that of any other media product. There is no program or interactive component in it, so peculiar to other media. Outdoor advertising is in pure uneducable contact with the observer. That is why advertisements built with elements of innovation; aesthetics and humor are usually more memorable than just textual information.
One must choose the aspects correctly and must the in context
One of the most important factors to pay attention to when creating a signboard is the simplicity of the idea. A potential buyer is watching outdoor advertising in motion – from a car, a bus, or simply passing by on foot, hurrying about his business. All this limits visual contact with the signboard for a minimum amount of time in seconds, and sometimes in their fractions. Therefore, it is very important to convey the idea briefly, but at the same time creatively and vividly. You should not place a large amount of text on a sign – the principle here is: the smaller the better!
The various elements of the primacy and the secondary
There is another principle for outdoor advertising designers – “respect for the primacy / secondary”. Write the entire text of the sign with the same style and size – it will immediately become poorly readable. Choose which word (or a couple of words) is a priority for your customers – the name or, say, a company profile – on it and focus on it. For example, the sign “Izbushka” restaurant in the “Sorochany” Ski Complex – it focuses on the word “hut”. Having made both words the same size, we would definitely worsen the perception of the advertising structure. Any individual can always avail various services from yoursignco.com.
The aspect of choosing the best Colors
The ability to use all sorts of colors and shades is one of the main advantages of outdoor advertising. The bright, juicy image seriously enhances the human perception of the sign. When working on the design of the sign, it is advisable to choose contrasting colors – both in color and in brightness. For example, yellow and blue give the best combinations, because Contrast and color tone, and brightness. Black color contrasts well with any color from the highlights, and white with any of the shadow areas. Yellow and black are not identical in color or brightness, so they can be very well combined.