Whether you’re purchasing a Pail Pump, a Drum Pump, or a Bottle Pump, your pump will fall into one of three categories: Safety, Manual, or Power. If you’re trying to select a pump, you’ll have to make sure the pump is a good fit for your needs. There are a number of things you’ll have to keep in mind as you evaluate your options.
Below, you’ll find six tips, from experts at Flux Pumps, that you should be considering:
1. Centipoise
You need to look at the centipoise of the liquid you’re going to be pumping. Centipoise is a unit of measurement that looks at the thickness of a liquid. Once you know the centipoise of the liquid you’ll be pumping, you can look for a pump that can handle liquid of that thickness.
2. Compatibility Of Chemicals
Parts of your pump will be making direct contact with the chemicals you’ll be pumping. You should look over the MDSS (Material Data Safety Sheet) that came with the product when you bought it. It should contain information about the chemicals or chemical combinations that you’ll be working with.
3. Dispensing Speed
How quickly do you need your pump to dispense liquid? You should think about how much you want to dispense per hour, or how much it should be dispensing with each stroke. You have two main options available to you: Hand Pumps and Power Pumps. If you opt for a hand pump, the dispensing speed will depend on the rate at which you pump. However, you should be able to find information about the amount it dispenses per pump. As for Power Pumps, the thickness of the liquid and the power source can impact the speed. You should be able to find an estimated GPM rate on the product page.
4. Restrictions
If you’re going to be working with a regulated substance, like food, you’ll need a pump that meets those sanitary standards. You should be able to find Manual and Power Pumps that can be used around food.
5. Container Size
Consider the size of the containers that you’ll be working with. Are you going to be working with one type of container, or a variety of containers? Do you plan on transferring product from one container to the next?
No matter what your needs are, you’ll want to find a pump that is compatible with them.
If you’re going to be using a range of containers, you should look for a pump that can adapt. From pumps that you can use with small containers to pumps you can use with massive totes, you’ll be able to find it all. Pay close attention to the pump’s tube length; it’ll have a big impact on the container size you can use.
If you were to buy a 55-gallon pump, you’d be able to use it along with a 15, 20, or 30-gallon drum. With that said, the pump will be quite a ways above the top of the container if you’re using a container of a smaller size.
6. Power or Manual
Power Pumps are powered by an outside source, like air or electricity. Manual Pumps are powered by the user. You’ll have to find the pump that best suits your needs. You’ll also have to consider the power source or sources you have in your facility.
If your drum will be holding materials that are classified as hazardous, you need to confirm that they are in line with UN/DOT 49 CFR 173.3 requirements. You must make sure that you are prepared if containers holding hazardous materials leak. Luckily, you’ll find plenty of options. If you’re struggling to make a decision, just get in touch with one of our Customer Service Experts. They can offer the guidance you need.