Many times, when you’re trying to invest in your blog, you have to look at the return on investment and thereafter you have to take a call. At the start, you would not be able to make any return on investment from your blog. That is why, always you have to look at your blog and you have to ensure that you are using the 3 methods in order to promote your blog. Once you’re using the 3 methods to promote your blog, it becomes easier for you to get the initial traffic. There are a variety of techniques which you can utilize in order to opt for free promotion of your blog. We would share with you some of these techniques.
- Commenting on the blogs:
The 1st thing which you have to keep in mind is that you have to visit the blogs in your industry. You have to think about commenting on those blogs. When you’re commenting on those blogs, you would also be leaving a link out for your own blog. Once you’re able to do that, it becomes much easier for you to drive the traffic to your blog. If you’re thinking that just after posting one or 2 comments, you would be able to drive a significant amount of traffic to your blog, then you’re wrong. Instead of just looking at one or two comments, you have to ensure that you are regularly posting on the blogs in order to get traffic for your own blog.
- Posting frequently:
When you’re increasing the frequency of guest blogging, the number of social shares which you would be able to get would also increase. That is why you have to think about posting frequently. You do not just have to use the filler content but rather you have to add something of value. Once you’re able to add something of value, it becomes easy for you to get the traffic from the search engines as well as from the social shares which you would be able to get. That is why you have to certainly increase the frequency at which you’re posting on your blog.
- Trying to drive traffic from the online communities:
There are plenty of forums as well as Facebook groups in each and every industry. You have to always try to gain the traffic from these. Once you’re able to gain traffic from these, that is only when it becomes easier for you to get the relevant audience. You have to 1st make a list of the communities related to your own industry. Once you’re able to make that list of the communities related to your own industry, that is only when you would be able to understand how to engage with the readers in that community. Each and every community has different rules and regulations. That is why, you have to look into these different rules and regulations and once you’re able to do that, it would become much easier for you to understand how you can promote your blog for free in that community. Once you’re able to do that, that is only when it becomes easier for you to gain the traffic from the community.
So, if you’re looking for the free blog promotion tips, you have to keep these factors in mind and thereafter only take a call.