The world of web is rotating on the axis of SEO. Not only businesses with an online presence, but websites and blogs too are competing against each other for ranking high on search engines. Those who are able to get high ranks on search engine result pages, get much more traffic as opposed to their competitors. Is getting traffic sufficient for your e-commerce website to get high sales? Actually not! Getting traffic is never enough for any e-commerce website; it needs to have a good conversion rate. Here, we are sharing some top tips to boost the conversion rate of your e-commerce website.
Create compelling product pages – You can get a huge traffic by using SEO techniques and PPC marketing, but, all the efforts are worthless unless your product pages can compel the visitors into buying your product. A majority of the visitors landing on your website would be looking for the products you are offering to sell. But, they need you to give them reasons to buy that product from you and not from your competing e-commerce sites. There are lots of things you can do to create compelling product pages, but, if we delve into those details we will get out of the topic. So, you can consult this article that deals with The 10 Things All Product Pages Need to Drive Conversions. Now, that you know how to optimize your product page for increasing your conversion rate, let’s move further.
Save your e-commerce site from being penalized by a search engine – If you know how search engine algorithm works, you must have heard about penalization for duplication. The sites that publish duplicate contents are penalized by search engines and the ranking of the page is brought down. E-commerce websites are always in the risk zone to be penalized for duplication, due to the product description. If you rely only on the manufacturer for providing product details and description, then you’ll get the same description that is already being used on multiple websites. And, this can seriously hamper your search engine ranking. Be creative in providing descriptions in a unique style for the products you enlist on your e-commerce site. In addition, start using rel canonical tag wisely if you have similar pages on your website.
Optimize the product images – Putting images of the product with description is not enough. You need to optimize each of the images to gain more visibility on the search engine. Even before thinking about optimization you should make sure that the images of the product are good in quality. As the users will not be able to lift a product and see it from all angles, it is your responsibility to show them the product from all angles. When you have taken care of these basic needs of the images, you should move towards optimizing them for all screen sizes. And, don’t forget to put a clear description of the image in the ALT tag as many of the net surfers are using image search while looking for a product. Insert only the relevant keywords in the ALT tag; stuffing it with unrelated keywords can do more harm than good.
Don’t forget to add review column for each product – Very few entrepreneurs understand the benefits of having review columns on their e-commerce site. You must know that unique contents are a key to get higher search engine ranking. And, by including review column, you create a passive way to generate unique content on each of your page. Leave search engine ranking, reviews increase the conversion rate dramatically. Whatever you write in your product description, the customers are sure to look for third party’s view before deciding to pay for a product. If you do not have review column, the visitors coming to your page will go to Google to search for reviews about that product. This gives the customers an open market to choose from many options and their chance to return to your site decreases many folds. If the products are reviewed on your site, the visitors will be able to make the decision then and there to buy the product (or not). Having reviews on your site gives the customers a confidence that they are in a store that plays the fair game. So, don’t forget to have a review section. And keep asking your customers to review it whenever they buy a product from your e-commerce store.
Link each product from the homepage – Not all visitors land exactly on the product page they are looking for. When you don’t link your product pages to the homepage and let them get buried under the complex link structure, you brutally kill your conversion rate. When product pages are not linked to the homepage, it becomes very difficult for the visitors to search for products. And mind it; no visitor is going to dig so deep to search a product on your e-commerce site, because, the web is saturated with options for them. If you want to keep your conversion rate high, keep it simple for visitors to search, buy, return and review products on your e-commerce website.
Add live chat option to your e-commerce site – You can boost your conversion rate by 50% simply by adding a live chat option to your e-commerce website. When we say add a live chat option we also mean to keep it functional. There should always be a human, not a chat-bot to reply to the queries. A lot of visitors to an e-commerce site need to talk to a representative before confirming their buying decision. You might have clearly written the answer to the most common queries on your frequently asked questions’ page but many of the customers will prefer asking a representative rather than visiting the FAQ page. And, you have to give the customers what they desire.
Having a good SEO in place is only work half done. Include conversion boosting strategies to get the deserved sales ratio and profit from your e-commerce site.